Men’s Recovery Home

The Monarch Men’s Residential Recovery Program level 1 is an 18 bed all male facility located in the downtown of Sudbury, Ontario. We operate a Three Phase Program that encourages clients to progress within the program in an abstinent environment. Following intake, the client and staff work together to design a program of recovery specific to his needs. Every man must be committed to his own way of maintaining his sobriety, through work, education, and volunteering, re-training and recreational activities.

At Monarch, our clients are supported while adjusting to their new lifestyle. All clients participate in household maintenance, chores and group activities. Counselling staff are available 5 days a week and the house is supervised 7 days a week. There are at least 2 group sessions in-house per weekday, including two recreational activities weekly. The men can attempt new skills of recovery supported by people who share a similar commitment to sobriety.

Involvement with organizations like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous is also an important component of recovery. The framework of the program at Monarch Recovery Services supports 12-step philosophy and each man attends a minimum of four self-help meetings per week in the community. During their stay at Monarch, clients will be encouraged to make use of the community services available: such as employment agencies, family service agencies, doctors, lawyers, mental health services, out-patient programs, child & family services, treatment centers etc.

The suggested length of stay is six months.


1. To stabilize and provide continuity of services and better Treatment Planning for clients already assessed using Ministry Criteria
2. Provide transparency to partners and funding bodies

Phase One (Life Skills & Basic Needs)

1. Provide a safe and secure living situation, in a positive peer oriented abstinent environment. Clients will be introduced to 12 step meetings and Monarch’s schedule and expectations. Education is a key component. Clients are assigned chores and encouraged to take responsibility for their own comforts. (laundry, linen, and clothing)

2. Using a client centered approach to recovery, clients are provided with the tools and referrals, if necessary to achieve stability. Clients are given referrals to address immediate health concerns, dental issues, mental health follow ups, legal commitments, identification and medications requirements, etc.

3. Clients will attend in house group therapy and will complete an individual assessment with staff to determine their goals and approach to recovery.

Phase Two (Stabilization)

1. Using the individual assessment as a service plan template, work with staff to make the appropriate Referrals to Outside Agencies. These may include Community or Residential Treatment for Substance Abuse, Anger Management, Grief Counselling or Gambling Addiction.

2. Continue to work within the home to improve self-esteem, learn Life Skills, develop decision-making abilities and explore alternative to former lifestyles.

Phase Three (Preparation & Planning)

1. Preparation and transition of the client into the community. Using the client centered approach; a client will be engaged in job search and/ or education opportunities. Referrals are suggested by further contact with staff who may initiate, but expect client to follow through and develop independence and autonomy.

2. An aftercare plan is developed with staff to encourage the best possible outcome when completing the program and leaving the home.

Camp Program

Camp “Easy Does It” is a beautiful get away for the men at Monarch Men’s Residential Recovery Program level 1. Opened early in the season, we bring 5-6 clients for a week at a time, to enjoy the solitude, great fishing, relaxing and thoughtful space. The clients have a decreased schedule, but still time for self-help meetings throughout the week and one group a day. Clients are encouraged to use their time at Camp for reflection and to continue their recovery work. The men work to keep the camp and property in good maintenance, and help to create a long lasting enjoyment for all the men to come and enjoy. In the fall, we are happy to offer an Alumni weekend in which our past residents can participate!

Men’s Consent Form

Men’s Referral Form

What to Bring, What not to Bring

Men’s Recovery Home Schedule